ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Lake Township 2024-2025 Snow Removal Lake Township is accepting sealed bids for Snow Removal and Salting for the 2024-2025 season. Bidders must provide proof of liability and workmen’s compensation insurance. Hand delivered sealed bids will be accepted until 12:00 pm Monday, November 11, 2024, at 1380 Michelson Road, Houghton Lake, MI 48629, please put in Township drop box. Mailed Bids: Must be post marked by November 8th, 2024, and can be mailed to: Lake Township, Attention: Clerk, 1380 N Michelson Road, Houghton Lake, MI 48629. Please submit your sealed bid in an envelope marked “2024/2025 Snow Removal Bid.” Lake Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in the discretion of the board. A detailed bid specification is available by contacting the Lake Township Clerk by phone at (989)202-4684; email at: laketownshipclerk.gmail.com or visit our website at www.lake-township.com to download the bid specifications.