Special Board Meeting Synopsis Denton Township Board October 9, 2024 Meeting called to order at 1:12 p.m. Board Members Present: DenBoer, Seaford, Fuller and Pedersen. Absent: Asher. The purpose of the meeting was to get an assessing update, employee handbook, budget amendments, 9th St. demo, 13th Street road end, unclaimed property near Ressa property/TransNation Title, corner park, and new Supervisor questions, if any. Assessing update- progress. Postponed to address at the next meeting. Employee Handbook. The Board reviewed the employee handbook and agreed that it needs some updates. The Board also reviewed the paid accrued vacation and personal time when an employee retires or resigns. Theresa Wagner is resigning her position at the township as Deputy Clerk and will be appointed as Township Clerk on November 1, 2024. Motion passed to approve to pay Theresa Wagner the remaining vacation and personal hours accrued up to October 31, 2024. Budget Amendments. Trustee Pedersen suggested a mid-year budget be made to see if any amendment or adjustment needs to be made before Carol Asher retires. Supervisor DenBoer will follow-up with Asher. 9th Street Demo. The Township is still waiting on a letter from Consumers to complete the application for the State Land Bank Grant. Supervisor will call Consumers as the deadline to the State is November 30, 2024. 13th Street Road End. Motion passed to allow the homeowners across for the 13th Street road end to remove and clear debris at their own expense. Supervisor will talk with homeowners regarding planting grass to avoid erosion. Unclaimed property near Don Ressa. The Township called TransNation Title and requested a title search on the unclaimed property. The Township is waiting on their reply. Corner Park. Supervisor DenBoer has a signed contract from Kevin’s Kustom Construction for the Corner Park. Discussion followed on the progress. New Supervisor questions. No questions at this time. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:12 p.m. Minutes subject to correction at the next regular meeting of the Board. (A complete copy of the minutes can be found on our website at www.dentontownship-mi.org.) Carol A. Asher, Clerk David DenBoer, Supervisor (Theresa M. Wagner, Secretary)