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The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

The Stories WE TELL

hat’s it like to share a couch with Oprah? “Unexpectedly fun,” says Neapolitan Nathan Hill. He sat next to Oprah on “CBS Mornings” when she announced his recent novel, “Wellness,” as her September Book Club selection. “If you had asked me two hours before I got on that couch,” says Hill, “I would’ve been really intimidated. When I was on... READ MORE >

Going, Going GONE

VERYTHING HAS A LIFESPAN. Even objects. Even new inventions we ooh and aah over. Initially, we’re amazed. Then we take them for granted. And then, they often become obsolete as something newer supersedes them. In “Going, Going, Gone: Vanishing Americana,” Susan Jonas and Marilyn Nissenson take a look at more than 70 things that are disappearing — or have already... READ MORE >

Marvelous mayhem at the Lab: How wonderful it is when it all goes wrong!

Acting onstage is like juggling chainsaws while walking on a tightrope someone has set on fire. No matter what happens, the show must go on. A fellow actor forgets his lines? Props are missing? The set falls apart? Improvise. You have to think quickly and continue the action and maybe even ad lib a couple of lines, all while staying... READ MORE >

Looking back

SCOTT TUROW HAS BEEN THINKING ABOUT ENDings lately. And beginnings. That’s not all that unusual for a novelist, but the thoughts have grown more personal than composing the opening and closing chapters of his legal thrillers. The New York Times Bestselling author hit a few milestones recently: he turned 70 in April of last year, and this August he retired... READ MORE >